
Cenotes Of The Yucatan; The New Frontier

The Worlds Best Cave Diving

Repel alongside these first incredibly brave scuba divers and spelunkers of Cave exploration in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico. Discover openings in the jungle floor and repel into these magical cenotes, "The windows to our underworld" as the owners of Aquatech/Villas DeRosa, Tony and Nancy DeRosa, tell of their first cave experiences into this magical realm of underwater visual fantasy.  See the first images of Sistema SAK AKTUN, DOS OJOS, VACA HA and many other never before seen cave systems., with Photos by Steve Gerrard.

"To say submerged caves drastically differ from one to another is an understatement. A cave diver can spend years sharpening their skill sets in several caves and then be faced with dire circumstances when they decide to dive in a new cave with an environment they've never experienced before. This is not to say someone's initial cave training is not adequate, but only to emphasize, that when it comes to cave diving the learning curve never ends, and that the cave divers (mindset must always reset) when entering a new cave system. The bravado and ego of past dives, accomplishments and experiences gained must be checked/stowed at every entrance to every new cave."

Thank You,

~Brett Hemphill

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