

It Is The Truth, So It Should Be Told

This 16 minute film is about the intolerances of humanity.   Sanibel artist Myra Roberts portrays with her canvas and brush writings from the diary of young Anne Frank, and how the Jewish community were slaughtered and tortured. Combine Roberts with journalistic writer Ella Nayor as she interviews holocaust survivors as they share their childhood memories of this living hell. 

If you consider someone less than yourself, something different, something sub-par, then you are marginalizing them. That's when the intolerances begin, the hatred and the fear. Once we fear someone, then we can hate them, and once we hate them it doesn't take much to eliminate them because we have no compassion left. We ourselves are not immune from becoming homeless, sick, injured or distorted in some way. Interviews include bullied school children, adults positioned in unwelcome societies and a courageous young teenager with cancer alienated from her frightened friends, who knowingly is not surviving her treatment. Everyone agrees that what they want is to be respected and treated kindly. CAUTION: Adult topic, adult images.

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